🌟 [ 14 ] Custard Apples 🍎 This is how I use it to make this apple dessert dish. .village kitchen recipe
( 124622 viewed : 3007 like : 255 comments ) hello friends ❣❣❣❣❣❣
I am Anoma Siriwardena .I'm from Sri Lanka. I welcome you to my Village Kitchen channel
this video includes-❣❣❣❣❣❣
In this video I will introduce you to 3 best recipes for a healthy diet.
1 custard Apples pudding recipe
2 custard Apples juice recipe
乡村烹饪 cuisine de village गाँव का खाना बनाना cucina del villaggio طبخ القرية Dorfkochen 村の料理 dorp koken 마을 요리 pagluluto ng nayon деревенская кухня cozinha da vila ഗ്രാമീണ പാചകം cocina del pueblo গ্রাম রান্না vesnické vaření landsby madlavning ចម្អិនអាហារតាមភូមិ kylän ruoanlaitto गाउँ खाना पकाउने masakan desa கிராம சமையல் masakan kampung หมู่บ้านทำอาหาร gotowanie na wsi köy pişirme làng nấu ăn ရွာချက်ပြုတ် μαγειρική στο χωριό villa coctione
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* spices /The flavor of my food is enhanced by the spices I prepare at home .village kitchen recipe .[ 🔗 Click ‼️ ] Egg hopper / Hoppers I make at home for my kids without any flavorings .village kitchen recipe [ 🔗 Click ‼️ ] our breakfast ! A simple breakfast with a delicious curry made from brinjal. village kitchen recipe [ 🔗 Click ‼️ ] Burger buns 🍔 In this way, you can easily make burger buns in the wood stove .village kitchen recipe [ 🔗 Click ‼️ ] A delicious tea time snack / I made mango sweet balls and mango pudding .village kitchen recipe [ 🔗 Click ‼️ ] you like my channel
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[14D] Custard Apples 🍎 This is how I use it to make this apple dessert dish. .village kitchen recipe [ World ]
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