🌟 [ 6 ] Climbing the HIGH POINT of TEXAS | Visiting 6 STATES in 1 week [ @ ]
( 2734 viewed : 376 like : 17 comments ) In this video, we visit 6 states in just over a week. We start off by visiting Carlsbad Cavern National Park in New Mexico. This was the most unique place we have visited on our whole trip. The cavern was huge and spectacular; we highly recommend visiting it! Next we cross the border into Texas and climb its high point: Guadalupe Peak. After crossing Texas, we do a small hike in the swamps of Louisiana. We made a quick stop in New Orleans to see its beautiful architecture and to experience its diverse culture. In Mississippi we visit Red Bluff, a very cool red soil canyon that has been eroding away the land and swallowing an old road. In Alabama, we visit Natural Bridge State Park which has the largest natural bridge east of the Rockies. The last state we visit is Georgia. We've been missing the red cliffs and canyons of the southwest, so when we learned there is something similar in Providence Canyon State Park, we had to visit it!
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[ 6D ] Climbing the HIGH POINT of TEXAS | Visiting 6 STATES in 1 week Climbing [1]
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Climbing the HIGH POINT of TEXAS | Visiting 6 STATES in 1 week
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