
ผลสลากกินแบ่งรัฐบาล วันที่ 1 พย. 2567

( 22997 viewed : 143 like : 14 comments ) 💞剧名:【进击的王妃 Attack On! Princess】 更多精彩剧集点击(More exciting TV series clicks):[ 🔗 點擊‼️ ] 《进击的王妃》菜鸡巫女苏暮烟是北梁巫族后裔,按照皇室与巫族的契约,被指婚给最不受器重却拥有纯阳之身的九皇子风洛晨,尽管在此之前,风洛晨迎娶过门的三位王妃都不知所踪,传言皆死于风洛晨之手。苏暮烟为开启灵根,救回自己被扣押在南杨的心上人八王爷风启玉,与杀神王爷开启一段“契约婚姻”。凭借自己乱七八糟的巫术与一本正经的真心,苏暮烟一步步俘获风洛晨,逐渐对其动情,解开围绕在他身上的重重阴谋,两个在各自世界里被嫌弃的人,相互救赎,你唤我觉醒,我护你登顶。 【主演】 徐滨/ 四月/ 韩纪辉/ 李艾瑾 Su Muyan, a vegetable chicken priestess in "The Princess Who Attacked", is a descendant of the Northern Liang witch clan. According to the contract between the royal family and the witch clan, she was accused of marrying the least respected but pure Yang ninth prince, Feng Luochen. Although before this, the three princesses that Feng Luochen had married were all missing and rumored to have died at the hands of Feng Luochen. Su Muyan entered into a "contractual marriage" with the God of Slaughter to unlock his spiritual roots and rescue his beloved, the eighth prince Feng Qiyu, who was detained in Nanyang. With his chaotic witchcraft and serious sincerity, Su Muyan gradually captured Feng Luochen, becoming infatuated with him and unraveling the numerous conspiracies surrounding him. The two people who were despised in their respective worlds redeemed each other, calling me to awaken and protecting you to climb to the top. [Starring] Xu Bin/April/Han Jihui/Li Aijin ​ #心动剧场​ #好看中国电视剧​ #中国电视剧2024 #霸道总裁 #甜宠 #霸总 #chinesedrama​ #甜宠爱情剧 #中国电视剧 #大陆剧 #大陆爱情剧 #爱情 #甜宠 #都市爱情 #大陸愛情劇 #寵愛天堂 #甜寵愛情劇 #甜寵 #愛情 #大陸劇 #假戏真做 #先婚后爱 #霸总 #霸道总裁 #灰姑娘 #都市爱情 #都市情感剧 #进击的王妃 Welcome to subscribe~欢迎订阅~ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙ 这里每天都会为大家更新精彩好剧短视频哟~ 喜欢的话请大力的戳我吧!(✪ω✪) Thanks for watching! [ 2024-08-05T09:00:22Z ] :flashminiupdate:2024-12-19 :::: 訪問我的 YouTube 頻道 @ Original Cr. ( [ 🔗 點擊‼️ ] )

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