សួស្តីឆ្នាំថ្មី ឆ្នាំ ២០២៤! ក្នុងឱកាសបុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំខ្មែរខាងមុខនេះ សូមជូនពរពុកម៉ែបងប្អូនទាំងអស់ ឱ្យមានភាពរីករាយ ស្នាមញញឹម និងសុភមង្គលជាមួយមនុស្សជាទីស្រលាញ់ក្នុងការជួបជុំនាៗ ជាមួយកូកា កូឡាត្រជាក់ៗក្នុងដៃ ❤️ ភាពរីករាយដ៏ពិតប្រាកដ នាំមកជូនដោយ Coca Cola This Sangkran, fill your hearts with joy, love and memorable moments. Real Magic happens when we bond with families and loved ones. Sangkran Magic brought to you by Coca Cola. Music Credit: Produced by: VannDa Written by: VannDa Khmer Instruments by: Vanthan Mixed and Mastered by: VannDa Video Credit: Starring: VannDa & Melia Constantin Executive Producer: Laura Mam Executive Producer: Andrew Mam Supervising Producer: Anand Benjamin Pok Co Producer: Thida Kim Co Producer: Daniel Omens Directed by: D.N.A Co Directed by: Daniel Omens Co Directed by: Nikolas Arkhipov Co Directed by: Aiden Nguon 1st Assistant Director: Phong Sopheaktra Tra 2nd Assistant Director: Thida Kim Story Team Original Concept by: Lim Heng Will FX Storyboard Artist: Sor Sopheak Camera and Lighting Team Director of Photography: Then Sidaroth Shxne Focus Puller: Maty Prom Assistant Camera: Chandarady Chhoun Assistant Camera: Vutheng Key Assistant Camera: Seun Sok Gaffer: Pheakdey Try Gaffer: PKon Camera Equipment Supplier: 24brains Production Manager: Ros Chansovanarath Production Coordinator: Ros Chansovannary Production Assistant: Sreysros Yem Production Assistant: Nhean Sophy Production Assistant: Meas Sarin Production Assistant: Khan Chansarak Props Master: Penghab Mech Props Assistant: Vorn Chanrithy Props Assistant: Vinh Kanann Lead Stylist: Kong Sophia Sylist Assistant: Khan Sovannpech KNOY Lead Hair & Make up Artist: Ouch Sokunthea Hair & Make up Artist: Chan Thy Artist Manager VannDa : Peter Long Artist Coordinator VannDa : Phann Somesa Casting Director: Bondara Phanot Cast Coordinator Melia : Navi Moir Cast Coordinator Melia : Chhor Mengsreng Extras Coordinator: Sam Panharoth Cast VannDas Grandmother: ម៉ាក់ផាត VannDas Grandfather: ប៉ាធឿន VannDas Mother: ម៉ាក់រ៉ូស VannDas Father: ប៉ារដ្ឋា VannDas Auntie: ម៉ាក់ពៅ VannDas Uncle: បងសំអាត VannDas Auntie: ឡាញ់ សូនី VannDas Uncle: ប៉ាលី VannDas Little Brother: វិវឌ្ឍន៍ កែវមុណី VannDas Little Cousin : អ៊ាង សុវណ្ណបញា VannDas Little Cousin: ភួង ម៉ាណេ Villager 1: Phea Sotheary Villager 2: Kavyyta Villager 3: So Lyma Villager 4: MengChheang Mon Villager 5: TEL TIP Villager 6: MeYy Villager 7: Lor Vengsing Villager 8: Phea Raphy Production Team Lead Editor: Pho Saksopheakney Editor: Daniel Omens Editor: Nikolas Arkhipov Lead Colorist : Chhil Chek Jeck Jermee Lead Graphic Designer: Yuu Baramey Agency Team Head of Agency: Lina Ret Luna Senior Producer: Vornyen Samath Assistant to Head of Agency: Lyly Uonchamroeunroth Producer: Tola Sorn Artist Manager VannDa : Peter Long Digital Team Marketing Strategist: Sam Panharoth Digital Marketing Assistant: Chamroeun Panha Chub Digital Marketing Assistant: Chu Minh Be Lead Photographer: Xing.VX With Deep Appreciation For ភូមិផ្កាត្រកួន Phumi Phka Trokoun Mr. Somethearith Din Mr. Chan Kimsan In Collaboration with 24brains Dedicated to Rothanie Athiphou Ryu VANNDA សង្រ្កាន្តស្គាល់ស្នេហ៍ SANGKRANMAGIC Follow VannDa Instagram: https:www.instagram.comtherealvannda Facebook: https:www.facebook.comvanndaofficialpage

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