
ผลสลากกินแบ่งรัฐบาล วันที่ 1 พย. 2567

( 5427 viewed : 45 like : 2 comments ) 久しぶりのアップになります 暗い話になるのであまり書きたくは無いのですが とても大切な事なので書きますので 暗い話が苦手な方は以下の文章を読まない様にして下さい 不幸事が有りまして この度1/27に愛犬が旅立って行きました 翌日に会社からお休みをいただき葬式をあげました 2年前の脾臓全摘出にも耐え何とか元気にご飯も食べ頑張ってました それでも体重は徐々に減っていき心臓も弱く亡くなる前日急激に食べなくなり翌日の通院日何とか頑張ってました いつもの点滴を受けて家に帰り着くと寝てるようでもなんかおかしい 心臓に手を当て確認すると既に心臓は止まってました、、、 直ぐに病院に車を走らせ連れて行きましたが間に合わず老衰と言われました 20年間一緒に暮らし毎日の散歩 雨だろうが雪だろうが台風だろうが散歩に連れてけと 亡くなる前の日曜日押し車に乗せて散歩したのが最後の散歩でした 本当色々苦労も有りましたが 君と出会えてありがとうという気持ちでいっぱいです 書けばキリが無いのでこの辺に致します 今後の動画ですがぼちぼちと上げて行きたいと思います ただストックの動画が無く 29日も河川敷に行ってない為動画が無いので アップはちょい先になるかと思いますのでご了承下さい チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします It will be up after a long time I don't want to write too much because it's going to be a dark story. I am writing this because it is very important. If you are not good at dark stories, please do not read the following sentences I have a misfortune My dog ​​left on 1/27 this time The next day, I took a day off from work and held a funeral. I endured the total splenectomy two years ago, and somehow managed to eat well and do my best. Even so, my weight gradually decreased and my heart was weak. It's strange that I'm sleeping when I get home after receiving my usual intravenous drip When I put my hand on my heart and checked, my heart had already stopped. I immediately drove to the hospital and took him, but I was told that I was senile because I couldn't make it in time. Living together for 20 years, taking walks every day Whether it's rain, snow, or a typhoon, take me for a walk The last walk I took on the Sunday before he passed away was when I took him on a pushcart. I really had a lot of trouble I am filled with gratitude for meeting you There is no limit to how much I can write, so I will put it here. It's a future video, but I would like to raise it bit by bit just no stock video I didn't go to the riverbed on the 29th, so there is no video. Please note that the upload may take a while. Thank you for subscribing to my channel [ 2023-01-31T08:40:21Z ] :flashminiupdate:2024-12-04 :::: 私のYouTubeチャンネルにアクセス @ Original Cr. ( [ 🔗 クリック‼️ ] )

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