🌟 [ 3 ] 7:36 7:36 Now playing, ‘It’s a joke’: Labor minister hits out at the Coalition over nuclear plans
( 2285 viewed : 25 like : 111 comments ) Assistant Minister for a Future Made in Australia Tim Ayres has hit out at the Opposition over its nuclear plans.
Mr Ayres’ remarks come as the Coalition prepares to release the costings for its nuclear plans in the coming days.
“Unreleased, shrouded in mystery their costings,” Mr Ayres told Sky News Australia.
“These characters don’t believe the CSIRO, they don’t believe AEMO, they’re in the basement, clacking away on the computer, trying to make it all add up.
“It’s a joke.” [ 2024-12-11T03:32:44Z ] :flashminiupdate:2024-12-11
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[3D] 7:36 7:36 Now playing, ‘It’s a joke’: Labor minister hits out at the Coalition over nuclear plans [ World ]
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