🌟 [ 3 ] 10:31 10:31 Now playing, HH.Dalai lama’s speech about the culture of worship black sheep in monastery #rumtekkarmaekhenpo [ @ ]
( 3638 viewed : 166 like : 19 comments ) HH.Dalai lama’s speech about some areas in Buddhism the culture of worship black sheep in monasteries. That’s not good
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[ 3D ] 10:31 10:31 Now playing, HH.Dalai lama’s speech about the culture of worship black sheep in monastery #rumtekkarmaekhenpo Speech [1]
Interesting Keyword >> 10311031NowplayingHHDalailamasspeechaboutthecultureofworshipblacksheepinmonasteryrumtekkarmaekhenpo
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🌟 2 43:30 43:30 Now playing, THE POWER OF CHOICE - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation 2025