🌟 [ 2 ] BetterHelp: The Dirty Business with your Mental Health [ @ ]
( 3372 viewed : 155 like : 40 comments ) I Don't Trust My Therapist | ENDEVR Documentary
Watch 'Postpartum Psychosis Tragedy' here: [ 🔗 Click here 🌐 ‼️ ] long waiting lists and the demand for mental health counseling increasing, Jackie Adedeji investigates Better Help -
an online therapy platform that offers almost instant counseling services worldwide.
The rise in social media and discussion of health and symptoms online has led to a growth in online health services advertising on platforms like TikTok, targeting digital audiences. But do the services they claim to provide match up with reality? Is this really a safe way to receive mental health counseling and is the app operating within worldwide healthcare guidelines?
Meeting both clients and counselors of the app, Adedji uncovers some alarming stories of unreliable, distracted, under-trained, and overworked therapists and clients who felt they were given incorrect or poor advice. Delving deeper, Jackie uncovers dubious recruitment and accreditation processes.
But for some, instant therapy which can be easily accessed has been a much more positive experience.
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BetterHelp: The Dirty Business with your Mental Health | ENDEVR Documentary
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