🌟 [ 4 ] Bus Driver Survives Being Hit by Flying Piece of Metal [ @ ]
( 61105 viewed : 1563 like : 164 comments ) Dramatic video shows a bus driver being hit in the chest by a flying piece of metal. A metal projectile flew right through the windshield and hit Stewart O'Leary in the chest. Two high school coaches come to the driver's aid. They try to calm the bus driver and call 911. Miraculously, O'Leary was able to keep the bus on the road until he could safely pull over outside Bellevue, Washington. Inside Edition's Ann Mercogliano has more. [ 2025-02-12T23:03:26Z ] :flashminiupdate:2025-02-13 :::: Check it out >> [ 🔗 Click here 🌐 ‼️ ]
[ 4D ] Bus Driver Survives Being Hit by Flying Piece of Metal Inside [1]
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Bus Driver Survives Being Hit by Flying Piece of Metal
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