🌟 [ 10 ] Documentary on nomadic life: Jabers reconciliation with Saifullah and Jabers expression of regret [ @ ]
( 49429 viewed : 3041 like : 764 comments ) Hello to all viewers and subscribers of our channel, thank you for watching our videos. The content of this video is about the life of Saifullah and Arad who live in the mountains. In this video, Saifullah and Arad reconcile with Jaber by Fatima, which is very interesting to watch. nomadiclife #sifla #arad #fatherson #collaboration #love #family #joint_project #nomadiclife #nomadictraditions #sifla #shirazivlogShiraz #familyresilience #Fatemehandzohre #nomadic #siflanadarad #miracle #baby #accident #accident #orphan #parisa #hasanandzolikha #Zulekha_in_the_mountain
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[ 10D ] Documentary on nomadic life: Jabers reconciliation with Saifullah and Jabers expression of regret Documentary [5]
Interesting Keyword >> DocumentaryonnomadiclifeJabersreconciliationwithSaifullahandJabersexpressionofregret
Documentary on nomadic life: "Jaber's reconciliation with Saifullah and Jaber's expression of regret