ผลสลากกินแบ่งรัฐบาล วันที่ 1 พย. 2567
( 4673 viewed : like : comments ) 「제1, 2, 3 RUTC 응답의 영원」 The Eternal Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC 09:00 구역공과 7주차 「금토일 시대의 중직자와 영원한 응답」 (왕하 6:8-23) 10:00 주일 1부 「위기를 만난 초대교회」 (행 12:20-25) 14:30 주일 2부 237선교위원회 헌신예배 「응답을 먼저 누리는 선교」 (행 13:1-4) 9:00 District Message 7th Week 「The Church Officer of the Age of the 3-day Weekend and the Eternal Answer」 (2Ki 6:8-23) 10:00 Sunday 1st Service 「The Early Church that Faced a Crisis」 (Acts 12:20-25) 14:30 Sunday 2nd Service 237 Missions Committee Devotional Service 「The Missions that Enjoys Answers First」 (Acts 13:1-4) RUTC 방송 - 24시 복음방송 ⏤ (사)세계복음화전도협회 Copyright WORLD EVANGELIZATION EVANGELISM ALLIANCE, INC. © All Rights Reserved. [ 2024-02-17T22:07:11Z ] :flashminiupdate:2024-12-21 :::: Visit my YouTube channel @ Original Cr. ( [ 🔗 Click ‼️ ] )
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