🌟 [ 5 ] vlogging my odyssey home from Ithaca for the EPIC cast trip ⚓️🤍 #epicthemusical #epictheithacasaga [ @ ]
( 5301 viewed : 1100 like : 35 comments ) what is your favorite part of this video and why is it Chris talking about EPIC 🥲
I had SUCH a blast in Ithaca celebrating with the cast of EPIC 🤍 and I thought I’d take you with me as I journey home!!! [ 2024-12-27T20:00:06Z ] :flashminiupdate:2024-12-28 :::: Check it out >> [ 🔗 Click here 🌐 ‼️ ]
[ 5D ] vlogging my odyssey home from Ithaca for the EPIC cast trip ⚓️🤍 #epicthemusical #epictheithacasaga Trip [1]
Interesting Keyword >> vloggingmyodysseyhomefromIthacafortheEPICcasttrip⚓️🤍epicthemusicalepictheithacasaga